Yeah, I know How absolutely terrible I am...haven't even updated my blog once since we arrived here!!!
But here have some India pics to make up for my terrible lack of writing :)
India is just like I remember, hot, chaotic, dirty and crazy, I still love it! Though it does make you feel like you need a holiday from your holiday.
It's very different travelling with women instead of with Ben. Men keep pushing in front of us for everything...I can see my indian rudeness coming back full force.
Welcome to India shot...
It's funny, we arrived on the terribly cramped AirAsia and basically collapsed...but were off to explore the nearby Thanjure and visit it's world heritage listed temple to take photo's of Indians taking photo's of us :) It's so random when you as much the attraction as what you are visiting!
Then of to NEPAL! ANd it's to amazing (when they're not striking)
It was a breathe of fresh air (literally, Kathmandu may be smoggy but it has nothing on India)
So we visited a few sights, saw a few buring bodies, hiked a few mountains (yep, it was just as hard as they say! It's true when they say that the Nepalese believe that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, no matter if a mountain gets in the way.
We were watched as we sweated our way up from the valley by the amused Nepalese.
Setting off in the morning, you can see it was cold and!!
But then off to Chitawan to track Rhino, Hyena andcrocodiles, but that's another story for nest time.